domingo, 10 de enero de 2010

• Fiestas San Antón in Maro 15th, 16th and 17th January

15th Jan. 22:00h Dancing.

16th Jan. 12:00h The band. 14:00h: Preparing of the typical kid goat plate “Choto a la Mareña” at very reasonable prices. 19:00h Bonfires in the streets of Maro, the band and a show of artists performing with fire and lights in the street procession. 21:00h Main Bonfire in Maro Square. 22:00h Dancing.

17th Jan. 12:00 Blessing of pets and other animals. 16:00h Dancing. 17:00h Games for children and adults. 18:00h Dancing by the Local Maro Group. 20:30h Procession and fireworks. 22:00h Dancing.

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